Here is the URL for the first day of the live trading room. I’m letting anyone that wants to join in to see what they can expect. Click on the link and register and you will get a followup email in the morning reminding you to log in.
You can also join us at anytime during the day. We’ll be in the room from 9:15 to 4:15 EST.
One more thing!! Please click on the facebook, twitter and myspace buttons and post this with a comment.
Help me go viral.. I would like to max out the room with 1000 guests.
The greatest compliment I can receive is from a referral from you.
Thanks in advance for your support. See you in the room.
Global Market Trader. The ultimate trading system that brings together the three key elements for ANY successful trader! Real Traders + Real Profits means . …
Global Market Trader. The ultimate trading system that brings together the three key elements for ANY successful trader! Real Traders + Real Profits means . …
Global Market Trader. The ultimate trading system that brings together the three key elements for ANY successful trader! Real Traders + Real Profits means…
Global Market Trader. The ultimate trading system that brings together the three key elements for ANY successful trader! Real Traders + Real Profits means…